Elevating Senior Living

Illuminate Senior Services is a NO-COST white glove service that helps seniors and their families when navigating Senior Housing options.

After many years of serving seniors, I knew it was time to start a company that could truly help seniors make sense of their options while saving them time and frustration by meeting them where they are on their journey! Our goal is to SIMPLIFY options and only bring light to the ones that make sense and not complicate an already difficult situation to navigate.

We understand when considering a move to a Senior Living Community, it can feel very overwhelming, exciting, scary, and fearful of the unknown. The terminology can be confusing and used incorrectly, making the process even more daunting.

Illuminate Senior Services is committed to helping our clients simplify this process by tapping into decades of comprehensive industry-leading expertise. We assess each client’s current situation/need to assist in filtering community options that are a fit for you. We look at the big picture and want you to understand your best options based on your unique situation.

This is a very important decision and not one to be taken lightly. We are there with you every step of the way. Our services include coordinating community tours and touring with you. We provide paperwork guidance, we help our clients navigate important questions, and we pre-qualify each client to connect them only with communities that may be a good fit. OUR services are NO COST to our clients, we only get compensated if we help you find the right community and you choose to move in. In addition, Illuminate Senior Services is a leader in connecting ALL SENIORS to the resources they need. We keep community and company profiles updated in our system, so we can ensure you are connecting to trusted partners such as home care, hospice, durable medical equipment, senior realtors, elder law attorneys, as well as other senior care advisors like us that are in different states.

Our mission is to provide a very unique and tailored experience for our families, one that helps simplify this process so you can find the perfect community that your loved one deserves and can call home! 🏠

Please note: The only way we are compensated for our time and resources is through the contracts we have in place with communities. We advise you not to enter your information into google searches if you prefer to work with a trusted local advocate such as ourselves. Once you enter your information into a national database, unfortunately, our services cannot be compensated making it difficult to represent you and your loved one with any community that you are already in touch with. We will never sell your information, we are not one of “those” companies. If you need resources in another state, we have you covered. We work with many senior advisors with local resources and are happy to connect you.

COMING SOON: Our free nationwide “resource database” for seniors will be launched on our website in the Summer of 2023. Please feel free to share with others, so they to can find a trusted advocate in their area as well.

Disclaimer: Illuminate Senior Services provides resources to help simplify your journey and advocate on your behalf, we can only represent you with Private Pay Communities (Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Memory Care through contracts that we have with communities). However, we want to make it easier for all FAMILIES, to be connected with Medicaid Resources, Area Agency on Aging, Skilled Nursing Facilities, and many other FREE RESOURCES on our website. A lot of time and passion has gone into this, it has been self-funded by the Placement Services that we offer, in hopes of making this process a little easier for each and every family and especially for those that cannot afford private pay communities! It is our MISSION to create & maintain a Trusted Network of Resources to share with ALL SENIORS.

OUR MISSION is to ELEVATE SENIOR LIVING as a whole, and not leave anyone left behind.

A special thank you to all of my peeps, especially my two amazing kids, my boyfriend, parents and friends who have helped support me, understood the late nights, and all the brainstorming while enduring my craziness over the past few years. Most of all, thank you, GOD, for putting this on my heart, a purpose way BIGGER than me, a PASSION that I can’t really explain, in order to make this a REALITY. This is just the beginning. Aligning with the best of the best to push past old standards is NEXT! So much more to come, please follow us on social media for updates, news and information.